Duckett Library Catalogue
On the Love of God and other selected writings (St Bernard of Clairvaux)Dollen, Charles J., Msgr (ed)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14310
AvailableSt Francis and the Song of BrotherhoodDoyle, Eric, OFM
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10908
AvailableTeresa of AvilaDu Boulay, Shirley
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14063
AvailablePatrick in his own wordsDuffy, Joseph
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 17093
AvailableThe Complete Therese of LisieuxEdmonson, Robert J., CJ (ed)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16570
AvailableSuch a Vision of the Street: Mother Teresa - The Spirit and the WorkEgan, Eileen
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15640
AvailableLetters from a Saint: The Great Christian Guide to peace of mind and soul by Saint Francis de SalesEggleston, George T. (ed)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14797
AvailableSaint Hugh of LincolnFarmer, David Hugh
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10922
AvailableThe Story of Thomas MoreFarrow, John
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15336
AvailableThe Red Book of Chinese MartyrsFazzini, Gerolamo
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15852
AvailableBlessed Robert Southwell SJ: A playFedden, Margarite
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10977
AvailableSaint Catherine of SiennaFerretti, Lodovico
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15003
AvailableColumbaFinlay, Ian
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14080
AvailableThe North American Martyrs: Jesuits in the New WorldFisher, Lilian M.
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14432
AvailableConscience Decides: Letters and Prayers form Prison written by Sir Thomas More between April 1534 and July 1535Foord, Dame Bede
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15157
AvailableSaint AthanasiusForbes, F.A.
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15928
AvailableA Highlander for Heaven: St John Ogilvie, SJ, 1579-1615Ford, C. Desmond, SJ
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15274
AvailableOliver Plunkett in his own wordsForristal, Desmond
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14743
AvailableIntroduction to the Devout LifeFrancis de Sales (St)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 12561
AvailablePadre Pio: The Wonder WorkerFranciscan Friars
Category: LIVes of the Saints
Book No: 17061
AvailableSaint John of the Cross 1542-1591: Doctor of Divine Love. An introduction to his Philosophy, Theology and SpiritualityFrost, Bede
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10937
AvailableSt Frances of RomeFullerton, Georgiana, Lady
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10901
AvailableThe Life of Christina of MarkyateFurlong, Monica
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 13953
AvailableTherese of LisieuxFurlong, Monica
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16568
AvailableSt James the Apostle and his place in historyGarcia, Jose Antonio Gonzalez
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 17099
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