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Emilie de Rodat: the saint of the RouergueBernoville, Gaetan
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 13661
AvailableSt Augustine: City of GodBettenson, Henry
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 12443
AvailableSaint Frideswide, Patron of Oxford (2nd edition)Blair, John (ed)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16141
AvailableThe Way of St Francis: the challenge of Franciscan spirituality for everyoneBodo, Murray, OFM
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10902
AvailableThe Soul's Journey into God; The Tree of Life; The Life of St FrancisBonaventure (Saint)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16285
AvailableSt Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies (3rd edition)Bonner, Gerald
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16149
AvailableSt Cuthbert: His Cult and his Community to AD1200Bonner, Rollason & Stancliffe, Gerald, David & Clare (eds)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 17241
AvailableMementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England and WalesBowden, Henry Sebastian
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 17518
AvailableMementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England & WalesBowden, Henry Sebastian
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15494
AvailableHildegard of Bingen: An AnthologyBowie & Davies, Fiona & Oliver (eds)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16595
AvailableSaint Dominic, Pilgrim of LightBrady, Gerard K.
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 13986
AvailableGuide to the Crypt of the Martyrs - Tyburn ConventBrennan, M. John Baptist, OSB (ed)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15335
AvailableLife and Writings of St Thomas MoreBridgett, T.E., C.Ss.R (Rev)
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11022
AvailableAugustine of Hippo (revised edition)Brown, Peter
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15980
AvailableThe Venerable Bede: his life and writingsBrowne, G.F., Rt Rev
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10878
AvailableKateri Tekakwitha: Mystic of the WildernessBunson, Margaret R.
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 16145
AvailableButler's Lives of the Saints (New Concise Edition)Burns, Paul
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11723
AvailableCarmel: interpreting a great tradition (St Teresa of Avila) 1 of 2 copiesBurrows, Ruth, OCD
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 10995
AvailableInterior Castle Explored: St Teresa's teaching on the Life of Deep Union with GodBurrows, Ruth, OCD
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 14865
AvailableThe Quest for Becket's Bones: The Mystery of the Relics of St Thomas Becket of CanterburyButler, John
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 15931
AvailableButler's Lives of the Saints, Vol IButler, Alban, Rev
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11074
Reference OnlyButler's Lives of the Saints, Vol IIButler, Alban, Rev
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11075
Reference OnlyButler's Lives of the Saints, Vol IIIButler, Alban, Rev
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11076
Reference OnlyButler's Lives of the Saints, Vol IVButler, Alban, Rev
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11077
Reference OnlyThe Lives of the Saints (one volume)Butler, Alban, Rev
Category: Lives of the Saints
Book No: 11078
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