Duckett Library Catalogue
Introducing Feminst Perspectives on Pastoral TheologyBennett Moore, Zoe
Category: Theology
Book No: 11406
AvailableWhat Language Shall I Borrow? God-talk: a male response to Feminist TheologyWren, Brian
Category: Theology
Book No: 11405
AvailableMinisters of Grace: women in the early churchLang, Judith
Category: Theology
Book No: 11404
AvailableNo Women in Holy Orders? The women deacons of the Early ChurchWijngaards, John N.M.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11402
AvailableBeyond God the Father: towards a philosophy of Women's LiberationDaly, Mary
Category: Theology
Book No: 11401
AvailableWomen in the Ministry of Jesus: a study of Jesus' Attitudes to Women and their roles as reflected in His earthly lifeWitherington, Ben
Category: Theology
Book No: 11400
AvailableWomen and Religion the in the First Christian CenturiesSawyer, Deborah F.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11399
AvailableIn Memory of Her: a feminist theological reconstruction of Christian origins (2nd Edition)Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler
Category: Theology
Book No: 11398
AvailableIn Whose Image? God and GenderAldredge Clanton, Jann
Category: Theology
Book No: 11395
AvailableSexing the Trinity: Gender, Culture and the DivineD'Costa, Gavin
Category: Theology
Book No: 11394
AvailableThe AtonementWinter, Michael
Category: Theology
Book No: 11393
AvailableThe Story of AtonementSykes, Stephen
Category: Theology
Book No: 11392
AvailableThe Problem of HellKvanvig, Jonathan L.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11391
AvailableAtonement and Incarnation: an essay in universalism and particularityWhite, Vernon
Category: Theology
Book No: 11390
AvailableThe Christian Understanding of AtonementDillistone, F.W.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11389
AvailableEarly Christian CreedsKelly, J.N.D.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11384
AvailableChristianity and SymbolismDillistone, F.W.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11383
AvailableThe Cruelty of Heresy: An Affirmation of Christian OrthodoxyAllison, C. Fitzsimons
Category: Theology
Book No: 11382
AvailableChristianity without AbsolutesBernhardt, Reinhold
Category: Theology
Book No: 11380
AvailableCreeds, Councils and Christ: did the early Christians misrepresent Jesus?Bray, Gerald
Category: Theology
Book No: 11378
AvailableMysterium Paschale: the Mystery of EasterVon Balthasar, Hans Urs
Category: Theology
Book No: 11374
AvailableGod as Trinity: relationality and temporality in Divine lifePeters, Ted
Category: Theology
Book No: 11372
AvailableThe Trinity and the Kingdom of God: the doctrine of GodMoltmann, Jurgen
Category: Theology
Book No: 11371
AvailableThe Source: the Holy Spirit and the Theology of LifeMoltmann, Jurgen
Category: Theology
Book No: 11369
AvailableA Quest for the Post-Historical JesusHamilton, William
Category: Theology
Book No: 11366
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- Barth, Karl
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- Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
- Rahner, Karl, SJ
- Vermes, Geza
- Moltmann, Jurgen
- Kung, Hans
- Ward, Keith
- O'Collins, Gerald, SJ
- Armstrong, Karen
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