Duckett Library Catalogue
A New History of ChristianityGreen, Vivian H.H.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10180
AvailableEarly Christianity & SocietyGrant, Robert M.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10179
AvailableFrom Dogma to History: how our understanding of the early Church developedFrend, William H.C.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10178
AvailableA History of the Mediaeval ChurchFrank, Isnard Wilhelm
Category: Church history
Book No: 10177
AvailableThe Early Reformation on the ContinentChadwick, Owen
Category: Church history
Book No: 10175
AvailableThe Spreading Flame: the rise and progress of Christianity from the first beginnings to the conversion of the EnglishBruce, F.F.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10174
AvailableA History of the Early ChurchBrox, Norbert
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Book No: 10173
AvailableUnder the Molehill: An Elizabethan Spy StoryBossy, John
Category: Church history
Book No: 10170
AvailableThe Early Christian Fathers: A selection from the writings of the Fathers from St Clement of Rome to St AthanasiusBettenson, Henry
Category: Theology
Book No: 10169
AvailableDocuments of the Christian ChurchBettenson, Henry
Category: Church history
Book No: 10168
AvailableThe Medieval World: Europe from 1100 to 1350Heer, Friedrich
Category: Church history
Book No: 10166
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Category: Church history
Book No: 10165
On LoanPersecution in the Early ChurchWorkman, Herbert B.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10164
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Book No: 10163
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Category: Church history
Book No: 10162
AvailableWestern Society and the Church in the middle AgesSouthern, R.W.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10160
AvailableCatholics in CambridgeRogers, Nicholas
Category: Church history
Book No: 10158
AvailableLamennais and England: The reception of Lamennais' religious ideas in the 19th centuryRoe, W.G.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10157
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Category: Church history
Book No: 10156
AvailableThe Age of BedeFarmer, David Hugh (ed)
Category: Church history
Book No: 10153
AvailableChalloner and his Church: A Catholic bishop in Georgian EnglandDuffy, Eamon
Category: Church history
Book No: 10151
AvailableA New Eusebius: documents illustrating the history of the Church to AD 337Stevenson, J.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10150
AvailableThe Church and the Age of Reason 1648-1789Cragg, Gerald R.
Category: Church history
Book No: 10148
AvailableThe ReformationChadwick, Owen
Category: Church history
Book No: 10147
AvailableThe Christian Church in the Cold WarChadwick, Owen
Category: Church history
Book No: 10146
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