Duckett Library Catalogue
The Last Things: death, judgment, heaven, hellMartin, Regis
Category: Theology
Book No: 11771
AvailableThe Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: Introductory ReadingsMartin, Christopher (ed)
Category: Theology
Book No: 15732
AvailableJesus: A PilgrimageMartin, James, SJ
Category: Theology
Book No: 15679
AvailableWhatever Happened to the Human Mind? Essays in Christian OrthodoxyMascall, E.L.
Category: Theology
Book No: 14979
AvailableAn Introduction to Moral TheologyMay, William E.
Category: Theology
Book No: 16748
AvailableJesus and the GospelsMcBride, Denis, C.Ss.R
Category: Theology
Book No: 17409
AvailableThe Seven Last Words of JesusMcBride, Alfred, O.Praem
Category: Theology
Book No: 14755
AvailableThe Parables of JesusMcBride, Denis, C.Ss.R
Category: Theology
Book No: 15468
AvailableImpressions of JesusMcBride, Denis, C.Ss.R
Category: Theology
Book No: 14274
AvailableGod MattersMcCabe, Herbert, OP
Category: Theology
Book No: 13768
AvailableFacing Ethical Issues: Dimensions of Character, Choices & CommunityMcCormick & Connors, Patrick T. & Russell B.
Category: Theology
Book No: 17320
AvailableHow to Read AquinasMcDermott, Timothy
Category: Theology
Book No: 10002
AvailableThe Continuum History of ApocalypticismMcGinn, Collins & Stein, Bernard J., John J. & Stephen J. (eds)
Category: Theology
Book No: 16409
On LoanThe Christian Theology Reader (2nd Edition)McGrath, Alister (ed)
Category: Theology
Book No: 16850
AvailableModern Christian Thought (Blackwell Encyclopedia)McGrath, Alister
Category: Theology
Book No: 16853
AvailableChristian Theology: An Introduction (3rd edition)McGrath, Alister
Category: Theology
Book No: 15958
AvailableThe Twilight of Atheism: the rise and fall of disbelief in the modern worldMcGrath, Alister
Category: Theology
Book No: 13459
AvailableMystical Theology: Challenges in Contemporary TheologyMcIntosh, Mark A.
Category: Theology
Book No: 12301
AvailableSacrament of Salvation: an introduction to Eucharistic EcclesiologyMcPartlan, Paul
Category: Theology
Book No: 12024
On LoanA Marginal Jew: rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume 1: the roots of the problem and the personMeier, John P.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11645
AvailableA Marginal Jew: rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume 2: Mentor, Message and MiraclesMeier, John P.
Category: Theology
Book No: 11646
AvailableThe Whole Christ: the historical development of the doctrine of the mystical body in scripture and traditionMersch, Emile, SJ
Category: Theology
Book No: 10054
AvailableChristian EthicsMesser, Neil
Category: Theology
Book No: 16040
On LoanSalvation (Vol 10: The Apostolic Foundation of the Christian Church)Metcalfe, John
Category: Theology
Book No: 14860
On LoanFaith and the Future: Essays on Theology, Solidarity and ModernityMetz & Moltmann, Johann-Baptist & Jurgen
Category: Theology
Book No: 16859
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